August 9, 2021

What’s the point of your website message

Many companies have really great showcase websites that explain who they are, what they do, what they offer and sometimes, and very importantly, why they do it.

All good stuff, but often they’re talking about themselves and can overlook the whole point of having a website… creating interest and attracting business by being empathetic, setting out the benefits and solutions they can offer to their potential customers.

The message should be clear.  “We’ll make your life easier, better, more profitable or fix your problems” or words to that effect. Be politely blunt and to the point but don’t lose the call to action in a lot of “we are great” information. They will decide if you’re are great!

“What’s in it for me”

The message should be all about “the benefits for the customer” when they engage with you. Tell customers that you understand the issues and problems they face, explain your solution concisely and clearly. If you can, give them examples of its proven success. Case studies can be very effective.

No matter what you sell it’ll be addressing a need or solving a problem, very small perhaps or it could be “the solution” that the customer has been looking for or needs to finish off the package they sell.

Approach the creation of your message by adopting the role of your customer and look at what you write or say through their eyes. Would it be good enough to persuade you?

That also means understanding the problems and issues your customer is dealing with or is trying to solve .. and how you do that is another important question for another day…..